Business Reporting and Profitability Analysis

Is your business optimised and working efficiently?

It is important to take a step back periodically and review what is going well and where things could be better.  This is often difficult when heads are down busy running day-to-day affairs and made harder by poorly presented management reports with incorrect levels of detail.

Business reviews

At Cotbury we specialise in helping you review and analyse your financial data to help you understand where you are making your profits and which areas of your business are inefficient.

Monthly reports should be timely, accurate and easy to understand at a glance.  Sheila specialises in producing visually strong management information that can help with difficult decision making.

Periodic reviews of your revenue and costs by product, market or customer can be very enlightening and can reveal where to focus your resources in order to grow or maximise your returns.

Cars run better and last longer with regular servicing and with regular monitoring of business ratios and margins from reports that are simple and easy to understand your business will too.

Please contact us here for more information